Do you want to get alerts from TikTok when something new happens? Do you want to view the material that your favorite TikTok user posts as soon as it is published by the person who you follow? All you have to do to start receiving such alerts is follow a few easy steps and make a few changes to your TikTok app and phone settings. Following completion of these procedures, you will be able to get alerts on You may also choose which kinds of alerts you want to get and which types of notifications you don’t want to receive. These modifications are available if you so want, and you may learn more about them if you read this page in its entirety.

General TikTok notifications

In TikTok, you may also choose to get alerts for certain broad categories such as ‘likes,’ ‘comments,’ ‘new followers,’ and so on. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok application on your smartphone.
  2. In order to activate alerts, make sure that you are logged into the TikTok user account for whom you want to enable them. If you are not already logged in, go ahead and login into your TikTok user account.
  3. A profile symbol may be seen in the bottom-right corner of the screen. To access the TikTok profile, just tap on it.
  4. The three-dots symbol, which can be found in the profile part of the TikTok user account and may be found in or near the top-right corner of the app screen, must be tapped after you have entered the profile portion of the account.
  5. In order to get push notifications, you must first locate the ‘push notifications’ option on the new app page, which appears under the heading ‘privacy and settings’. It is possible to locate the ‘push notifications’ option on this app screen in the ‘general’ part of the settings menu. Once you’ve located this option, choose it.
  6. A new app screen named ‘push notifications’ will appear after the previous one.
  7. There are a number of choices available on this app screen. If you wish to get all alerts on TikTok, you must activate all of the settings listed above. For example, if you only want to get certain kinds of alerts, you may switch on just those notifications by pressing on them until the radio button beneath that particular choice is changed from its default state to the turned-on position.
  8. The moment you have finished with the above procedures, you will begin receiving alerts from TikTok.

User-specific notifications

Alternatively, if you wish to activate alerts for a specific TikTok user that you are following, you may do so by following these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok app and then go to the profile area by selecting the profile icon located in the bottom-right corner of the app screen (see image below).
  2. The number of individuals you are following will be shown in the profile area under the ‘following’ option. Select ‘following’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. This will provide a list of all of the TikTok users that you are following at the time of writing.
  4. Select the TikTok user for whom you wish to activate alerts from the drop-down menu. As a result, your app will go to that user’s profile page.
  5. Now, on the user’s profile page in the app, click on the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner of the app screen. A menu will be shown as a result of this.
  6. Select the ‘turn on post notification’ option from the drop-down menu in this menu. This will make it possible for this TikTok user to get alerts. You may also enable alerts for other TikTok users if you choose to do so.

TikTok post Notifications Are Not Working? solution

You will now get alerts whenever this person uploads a new video to their channel. If you’ve activated this feature, but it’s not functioning for you, what should you do?

Here are some suggestions for potential solutions.

1.Pending Updates

Check the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to see if there are any new updates available. When you haven’t updated an app in a while, it may begin to malfunction.

2.TikTok Notifications Not Allowed

Double-check the notification settings inside the app to ensure that push notifications are enabled for your account.

3.Phone Notifications Not Allowed

Make sure that your phone’s notification settings enable TikTok to give you alerts by checking your phone’s setting for notifications.

4.Turn Off the Feature and Try Again

Select the appropriate user’s profile and disable the post notification function, then enable it once again in the same place. It’s possible that there was a brief glitch. To ensure that this feature is functioning properly, try it out with a few different profiles.

5.Uninstall and reinstall the application

In certain instances, reinstalling the TikTok application is beneficial. It is possible that a problem occurred during the installation process, causing some of the app’s functions to not function properly.

6.TikTok May Be Down

If this is the case, you will need to remain persistent. Because every program requires regular maintenance, it is possible that post notifications and other functions may be unavailable for a short period of time.

7.Phone settings

In TikTok, you may check your notification settings.
If you’re not sure how to determine whether or not your notifications are turned on, here’s a short tutorial to help you. Start with the notification settings inside the app before proceeding with the rest of the troubleshooting process. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the ‘settings’ app of your phone.
  2. Here, navigate to the notifications option for the TikTok app.
  3. Now, just turn on the ‘show notifications’ option for the TikTok app.
  4. Once these steps are done, then you have enabled notifications from the TikTok app.

Turn Off Notifications On Tik Tok

Tik Tok has begun sending alerts on your mobile phone when prominent people post new videos, assuming you have chosen to follow them. If you don’t want to get a lot of alerts from Tik Tok, don’t use it. It is simple to turn off the Tik Tok alerts and when you launch the Tik Tok program on your mobile phone in this situation, as described above. The notice is the only thing you see at that point.

To turn off alerts on Tik Tok apps, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the following section.

Turn off Tik Tok Notifications On Android Phone

Step 1:Navigate to the Settings menu on your mobile phone.

Step 2:Select “Apps & Notifications” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3:Navigate to the Notifications Management area of the website. Navigate to Tik Tok App and tap on it.

Step 4:Open the Tik Tok app by selecting it from the list of available applications.

Step 5:Select “Allow Notifications” from the drop-down menu. “Turn off Notifications” will appear as a new pop-up tab on your screen; click on it to proceed.

Turn off Tik Tok Notifications On iOS (iPhone or iPad)

To turn off Tik Tok alerts on your iPhone or iPad, just follow the step-by-step instructions provided below.

Step 1:On your iPhone or iPad, go to the Settings menu and choose General.

Step 2:Select Notifications from the drop-down menu, which will bring up a list of all the applications currently installed on your smartphone.

Step 3:Navigate to the Tik Tok App and touch on it to launch it. To turn off notifications, choose them from the drop-down menu.


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